Past Events 2021

First post-Covid lockdown live rehearsal

Tue, 18 May 2021
We hold our first live rehearsal of 2021 at The Apex.


Second live rehearsal of 2021

Tue, 25 May 2021
We hold our second live rehearsal of 2021 at The Apex.  Full capacity of the Apex under Covid regulations.  Three more people join from home via Zoom.

Last rehearsal of the term

Tue, 6 Jul 2021
We hold our last rehearsal of the term, and in the hope that it is our last ever Zoom rehearsal, and to replace a live concert, we play through many of the pieces we have been rehearsing this last year, and wear our concert clothes (at least on the top half).

Our first proper rehearsal back in Sybil Andrews

Tue, 7 Sep 2021
We hold our first proper rehearsal back in Sybil Andrews Academy.   Still widely spaced and some wearing masks.

AGM 2021

Sun, 19 Sep 2021
See AGM Documents page for documents (Members only)

Christmas Concert 2021

Tue, 7 Dec 2021
All Saints Church

Our first live concert since March 2020!!

Conductor: Chris Parsons - Leader: Nicki Lancaster

A Christmas Festival - Leroy Anderson
Two French Carols - Lawrence Yates 
Christmas Overture - Samuel Coleridge-Taylor
Bells across the Meadows - Albert Ketèlbey
Jingle Midwinter Away – Lawrence Yates
Suffolk Suite (3 movements) - Doreen Carwithen
Christmas Medley - David Sims
Encore – Radetzky March - Johan Strauss

Collection raised £285.95 for Jessie’s Fund

Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2024 Bury Friendly Orchestra